
UVA faculty members are innovative and collaborative, and together you form a diverse group of scholars and educators. Each of you comes to the University at a different stage of your academic career and a different moment in your life. We value each of you here.

To help you find and make use of the many opportunities that UVA offers, I encourage you to review the Faculty Handbook. Inside you will find basic information about the University and the resources, conditions of employment, benefits, and policies that are essential to the faculty experience.

We are at an exciting time in our history as we implement The 2030 Plan to reimagine, expand, and strengthen the UVA community to work toward President Ryan’s vision of being both great and good. Our faculty—teachers, researchers, and leaders, all—are a key element of that vision. I wish you a great year in your work supporting the mission of this extraordinary institution.

Ian B. Baucom
Executive Vice President and Provost

2024–2025 UVA Faculty Handbook

Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity

The University of Virginia (“UVA”) does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status, military status (which includes active duty service members, reserve service members, and dependents), national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, pregnancy (including childbirth and related conditions), race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, and family medical or genetic information in its programs and activities as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Governor’s Executive Order Number One (2018), and other applicable statutes and University policies. UVA prohibits sexual and gender-based harassment, including sexual assault, and other forms of interpersonal violence.

Individuals, including UVA students and employees, and participants in UVA’s programs or activities, may be entitled to reasonable accommodations or modifications for a disability. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the American with Disabilities Act, Rehabilitation Act, and related statutes and regulations:

ADA Coordinator

  1. Address: Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights, 315 Old Ivy Way, Suite 203, P.O. Box 400144, Charlottesville, VA 22904
  2. Phone: (434) 924-3200
  3. Email: adacoordinator@virginia.edu

A Deputy ADA Coordinator has also been designated to assist the ADA Coordinator.

  1. Address: 315 Old Ivy Way, Suite 203, P.O. Box 400144, Charlottesville, VA 22904
  2. Phone: (434) 924-3200
  3. Email: adacoordinator@virginia.edu

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Associate Vice President

  1. Address: Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights, Washington Hall, P.O. Box 400219
  2. Phone: (434) 924-3200
  3. Email: UVAEOCR@virginia.edu

The following person has been designated to serve as the overall coordinator for purposes of Title IX compliance:

Title IX Coordinator

  1. Address: O'Neil Hall, Suite C023, P.O. Box 400211
  2. Phone: (434) 297-7988
  3. Email: titleixoffice@virginia.edu

A Deputy Title IX Coordinator has also been designated to assist the Title IX Coordinator.

  1. Address: O'Neil Hall, Suite C023, P.O. Box 400211
  2. Phone: (434) 297-7988
  3. Email: titleixoffice@virginia.edu

Complaints of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation may be directed to the UVA Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights at UVAEOCR@virginia.edu. Complaint procedures may be found on the UVA Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights website. Complaints may also be filed with the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Commonwealth of Virginia Division of Civil Rights, and the Department of Human Resources Management.

How to use this handbook

Each academic year, the office of the executive vice president and provost updates and publishes the UVA Faculty Handbook. Over the years, policies, procedures, and resources that pertain to faculty life at the University have been made available on administrative and school websites, as well as at uvapolicy.virginia.edu, an online repository of University-wide policies.

Despite the availability of policies online, faculty have expressed the need for a handbook that digests relevant documents and resources in an easily accessible central location. While the faculty handbook is not intended to be a comprehensive document, we hope that it is a useful starting point for locating resources that might otherwise be difficult to find. The handbook is also designed to help new faculty explore the extensive resources for teaching, research, and work-life balance that UVA offers. The faculty handbook does not amend the terms and conditions of employment stated in individual faculty appointment contracts. The handbook should be used as a guide to help navigate resources, policies, and procedures relevant to faculty.

Please note: The print and corresponding PDF versions of the handbook are current only as of the publication date shown on their cover page. Any updates to the handbook that might be made between yearly publications will not be reflected in the print/PDF versions of that year’s handbook. Such updates, if needed, will be reflected here on the Provost online version of the handbook. Accordingly, the online version is always in effect.

UVA Wise maintains a separate handbook applicable to its faculty.