3.4.1 Research Resources

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) is responsible for the strategic vision for research, developing and executing initiatives to accomplish the vision, as well as the various compliance and support areas. It works to catalyze, support and safeguard UVA research. The OVPR provides seed funds with a strategy of moving research from promising to preeminent and supporting UVA's Strategic Plan.

The services of the OVPR research development team include:

  1. Coordinating large collaborative proposals
  2. Coordinating limited submission opportunities
  3. Providing resources for proposal planning and development
  4. Enhancing resources by licensing, managing, and providing training on a variety of research development tools
  5. Providing training and workshop opportunities in research development
  6. Serving as liaison to several external and internal partners

The research compliance offices reporting to the OVPR are responsible for fostering ethical conduct and professional integrity principles; establishing a safe and respectful research environment; and facilitating compliance with applicable regulatory requirements including, but not limited to, those pertaining to animal welfare, human subject protections, export controls & sanctions, financial conflicts of interest, research security, and biosafety.

OVPR also oversees the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). OSP's mission is to provide leadership in research administration, support the research endeavors of University faculty, ensure the responsible stewardship of research funding, and oversee the submission of proposals and the negotiation and acceptance of awards by the University in compliance with state, University, and sponsor regulations.

OSP has signatory authority for sponsored research agreements, including both funded agreements (CTAs, RFAs, etc.) and non-funded agreements (MTAs, CDAs, etc.).

Faculty should visit the linked sites for more detailed information on all the services and resources offered by the OVPR and additional pan-University institutes overseen by the OVPR.

ResearchUVA Powered By Huron is used to manage sponsored programs agreements. Financial management of sponsored programs occurs in Workday Finance, the University’s financial system of record. Additionally, Health Research Resources are available through the iTHRIV Research Concierge Portal.