3.3.9 Academic Accommodations for Disability, Pregnancy, and Religion
As expressed in the policy Teaching Courses for Academic Credit, the University is committed and legally obligated to reasonably accommodate students so they do not experience an adverse academic consequence when disability, pregnancy, or religion conflict with academic requirements. Accommodations should be granted so long as doing so does not constitute an undue hardship or fundamentally alter the course. Accommodations do not relieve students of the responsibility to complete any missed coursework.
- Disability: For more information about disability-related academic accommodations or to seek such accommodations, students and faculty should contact the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC).
SDAC, the Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR), and the Office of the Provost have developed a training resource for faculty/instructors on the student disability accommodation process. The training offers in-depth information on the roles, rights, and responsibilities that faculty, SDAC, and students have as part of this process, and addresses common accommodations, sample syllabi statements, and reporting procedures. They strongly encourage any person who teaches students at the University to take this short training, and expect that all faculty and instructors who have students with approved SDAC accommodations in their courses will review this vital resource.
- Pregnancy: Accommodations for pregnancy or related circumstances include accommodations related to childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery therefrom, as well as lactation needs. For guidance about requesting and granting pregnancy accommodations, visit the Student Pregnancy Accommodations section of the Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights website, or contact EOCR at UVAEOCR@virginia.edu or 434-924-3200.
- Religion: For guidance about requesting and granting accommodations for sincerely held religious beliefs or observances, visit the Student Religious Accommodations section of the EOCR website, or contact EOCR.
The SDAC and EOCR webpages linked above include relevant FAQs as well as suggested syllabi statements.