5.6.2 Housing Facilities
The Pavilions on the University’s historic Lawn are residences for senior administrators and faculty members whose eligibility has been established by the Board of Visitors. The following is the sequence of priority when a vacancy occurs: the executive vice president and provost, the vice president and chief student affairs officer, the academic deans in the order in which their schools were established, and then members of the faculty, subject to the conditions of the policy of the Board of Visitors. The use of other buildings in the historic district, such as Montebello, Lower Mews, the Pavilion VII apartments, and Hotel D, are assigned by the Board of Visitors.
Pavilion VIII has both classroom and residential space. The Office of the University Registrar allocates the use of its classrooms. The Pavilion VIII Committee invites the faculty to apply for the residential space, reviews applications, and makes a recommendation to the provost on the use of the residences; the provost, in turn, makes a recommendation to the Board of Visitors for their action on assignment. The assignment of faculty to Morea and to one of two apartments on the Mews also is managed by the Provost’s Office. The three apartments in the Monroe Hill Residential College are assigned by the Monroe Hill Residential Committee. Hereford College has one principal’s residence and three other apartments, which are assigned in a similar manner.
There are a limited number of University-owned rental housing options through the University Housing Office.Full-time Faculty and classified staff members may apply for a variety of housing configurations and locations in the Charlottesville area. Information regarding options and applications may be found on the Housing and Residence Life website.
The Off-Grounds Housing Office works with Off-Campus Partners, LLC to provide a comprehensive listing of rooms, apartments, and houses to rent, as well as a directory of all local apartment complexes. The lists are updated monthly; the directory is published annually. Faculty members who have properties to rent can list them through this office. A model lease to be used as a rental contract is available. You must register as a faculty member or a guest to list a property, or rent a property through this site.