3.3.8 Confidentiality of Student Records

Students attending, or who have attended, the University of Virginia have certain rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA or The Buckley Amendment) and related Rules of the United States Department of Education:

  1. Access: Faculty and staff have access to students’ education records only for legitimate educational purposes in performing their duties for the University. Access to education records should not be used for any other purpose. 
  2. Release: University employees may not discuss the education records of a student with that student’s parents, or any other third party, without the written consent of the student.  
  3. Grades may not be released in any form to third parties without written consent and should only be posted using a randomly assigned identifier. 
  4. If a University employee is ever in doubt, they should not release any information from student records without first contacting the Office of the University Registrar (UREG) for guidance. 

Information about compliance with FERPA by the University is maintained by UREG. The full University policy regarding student rights to privacy (STU-002) can be found online.