3.3.11 Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault
Members of the University community who have experienced sexual assault are strongly encouraged to seek immediate medical attention. The UVA Medical Center Emergency Department is open 24-hours/day, 7 days/week. The UVA Department of Student Health and Wellness is open Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 5:00 PM (4:30 PM during summer and winter breaks). Student Health has an Urgent Call line (434-297-4261) that is accessible outside of normal business hours. In addition, students are urged to immediately report any Prohibited Conduct that may constitute a crime to local law enforcement (“Police”), as well as the University.
Given that faculty members are not specifically trained to respond to reports of sexual misconduct and address the needs of survivors, all faculty members are “Responsible Employees.” This means that they are required to report any information that they have received, whether intentionally or not, about instances of student sexual misconduct to the University’s Title IX coordinator within 24 hours. Reporting is critical to the well-being and safety of the University community and is the University’s obligation under federal and Virginia law. Further, reporting ensures that students will be connected to University resources that can offer care, support, and information on options. Therefore, failure to report may result in disciplinary action (see section 4.1, “Obligations to Observe Policy”). Faculty members should familiarize themselves with the policies on reporting sexual misconduct and the resources available to survivors of misconduct by reviewing the materials available on the website, Resource and Reporting Guide for UVA Students.
While the Title IX Office manages all aspects of investigation and adjudication of reports made to the University (involving faculty, staff, and students), the Division of Student Affairs can provide students with information, support, and assistance and can arrange for a broad range of remedial and protective measures. Dean on Call employees have received training for this purpose and will assist students in determining whether certain forms of support, remedial and/or protective measures may be beneficial and appropriate, and coordinate such measures with the Title IX Coordinator when appropriate. These employees are Responsible Employees and are therefore required to report information disclosed to them about Prohibited Conduct to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. Students may also seek confidential resources and support through engagement with clinicians in Student Health, the Women’s Center, or other clinical resources.